Rochester Property Management
411 Woodward Ave.
Rochester, MI 48307

IF YOU HAVE A MAINTENANCE EMERGENCY, such as a fire, flood or other urgent maintenance item that requires immediate attention, please call (248) 650-8983 extension 119 to reach our on-call emergency staff.

Staff Directory

Main Office (248) 650-8983 Send email
Vanessa Page Reception (248) 650-8983 Send email
Laura Adams Bookkeeping (248) 650-8983 Send email
Sandy Cominotto Office Manager (248) 650-8983 Send email
Darrin McDonald Property Manager (248) 710-3990 Send email
Edward Oland Senior Property Manager (248) 923-2673 Send email
Eric Mazure Senior Property Manager (248) 453-5794 Send email
Jason Carey Sales/Accounting (248) 650-8983 Send email is a division of A Condominium Management Company, Inc. –

Request a Bid

Serving Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties in Michigan.

Tell us about the property or community that you’d like us to manage, and we’ll get back to you promptly.

If you attach photos, or a link to cloud storage pictures, it will help us in our bid.

eMail us

Our Offices

411 Woodward Ave.
Rochester, MI 48307